Sunday, April 5, 2009

4 years today.

Today is an awesome day. Even though I'm not home to celebrate it, I thank God for my 4 year anniversary with my beloved wife, Marina. Its not easy, but it is wonderful. The way we get along, the way she supports me, loves me, and cares for me is remarkable. For a man to have a wife like mine is truly a blessing. She's strong, smart, her spirit is beautiful, and she's hot. God knew what He was doing when He made her...FOR ME!!!

I really can't begin to explain our love, our family, our dynamic...its like no other. Her sisters think I'm weird (guilty!). She talks to them sometimes about different things we do for each other...they mostly react in surprise, as if no other couple in the world did what we do for each other. I love her with all of me. Granted, its not much, but I love her like crazy. Her and our two wonderful, smart, beautiful boys.

I don't know...I can't really write too much right mind is being pulled in 5 different directions on trains of thought of so many different things. Te amo mi reina!!! I hope every day to be a better man, father, and I can keep her in love with me. ;)

You remember that morning? I do. I LOVE that morning. I'll NEVER forget that morning. I looked at you and knew. It wasn't first time I'd laid my eyes on you...but it was the first time I REALLY saw you.

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