Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tremendous Times

Where do I start...I've spent the last two weeks at my home in San Diego, away from the insanity that is my job in Mobile Alabama. It was probably one of the best times I've had in my life. You know, I'm going to try to get through this without crying, but thinking about everything I was a part of these passed couple weeks, I don't know if that'll be totally possible.

I had never really thought of where I was presently in my life. Our oldest son is about to start Kindergarten and our little one is finally talking. He's going to be 3 in October and for a while he just refused to talk. But I just came to the realization the other day that my kids think that I'm a superhero. I'm the daddy that can do it all. I know everything and I'm scared of nothing and there's nothing I can't do or invent, in their little minds. I love my boys so much and just thinking that thats where I'm at right now in life makes me miss them SOOO much more. To have them as babies is great, but now that I'm sucks soooooo much to be away from them.

Juan Marco said that he hates daddy's job (because I've been away from them since October). Doing what, you ask? Nothing of any serious importance. But that's for another blog...a book maybe? Probably. Isaias is such a marvel. He LOVES his older brother SOOOO much. He follows him and copies him and sleeps with him and wants to do EVERYTHING his older brother does. I hope they never lose that relationship that they have right now. I have only one brother and I don't have the best of relationships with him, so I want our boys to have a special bond growing up.

I love my wife like crazy. More and more every day, whether I'm with her or not, I realize how much I love her and how sexy she really is. And I mean that in EVERY sense of the word. She drives me crazy no matter where we're at. We DO need to work on how we communicate though...jajaja...not that there's anything wrong with it, we just have different wiring schemes in our heads! But that just makes it more fun and interesting.

I can't thank God enough every day for all the blessings He's given me every day... my family, my life, my job, my health, the trials I go through that make me a stronger man for Him and for my family...and for my church. I love Kaleo. And I love Marina López and our 2 precious sons...Juan Marco and Isaias...