Everything looks so green, so lush, so beautiful when its in bloom
and growing. Its not until Summer and the harvest time comes that you
see what has truly had a purpose in its beauty.
As the flowers
bud and the grass grows and the fields begin to sprout, you see
everything so green...so bright, so lovely. But weeds grow along side
the flowers and the grass and tares next to wheat. So while yes, the
beauty of so much lush greenery is breathtaking, the usefullness and
purpose (or lack there of) becomes apparent and obvious only after a
As the summer comes and the flowers grow and bloom, and the
grass grows emerald green and beautiful and the wheat bends and sways
in the wind, you see the weeds grow and begin to show their twisted
fruit. As they grow, they spread, trying to choke out the other plants,
to take their nutrients and sunlight. They dry out and the thorns and
thistles begin to harden. They are a plague to man. They get stuck in
your clothes in your shoes, they bother you and you wish they never
existed. Really...who really, in their hearts, wishes weeds existed?
is to illustrate, that even in nature, God illustrates that there are
creations made for honor and beauty and creations made for dishonor. Is
it fair? Who are you, finite man, to say what is fair? Who are you,
in your less than 2000 years of oh-so-underwhelming technological
advancements and knowledge, somehow manage to find more ways to spit in
the face of an Almighty God that will one day judge you? To wag your
finger in the face of He who created the planets and named every star?
Who are you to assume you know how to lead your life, which is like an
ant that you see eek along so slowly and seemingly aimlessly? Listen to
the call of He that can save you, who wishes to love you more than
anyone or anything on this planet could ever hope to. The One true God
whose knowledge is folly to the "itelligent" of this world. Or else, be
like the weeds, that are cursed by every soul; and when the harvest
comes, is cut down and thrown in the furnace to burn.